Very few patterns are possible on the 2x2 puzzle cubes because there are only 8 parts, each of which can be deflected into 3 orientations. 8 doesn't divide evenly into 3.
This "pattern" demonstrates the problem rather clearly. I had to arrange it with two slightly different patterns, depending on which side you view it from. One side includes an extra twist of one of the corners.
Dude, that's not funny. A 2x2 is a serious pattern. Go home!
I just figured out how to make this one at home. Took about 10 minutes.
I saw a 2 by 2 twist once in Vegas. I think that she was double jointed.
U R U2 R' U' R U2 L' U R' U' L R2 D' R2 U2 R2 D R F R Y U' X
solve the pocket cube then try this pattern
What are y and x
What are y and x
x : rotating the cube on the X axis. (R & L faces remain intact)
y : rotating the cube on the Y axis. (U & D faces remain intact)
z : rotating the cube on the Z axis. (F & B faces remain intact)
Cube rotations usually written as small letters, but it doesn't have a meaning and they could possibly by written as capital letters – same meaning.
Cube rotations can be followed by a prime (') meaning rotating the cube a quarter rotation (90°) on the corresponding axis counter-clockwise, or followed by 2 which means rotating the cube 180° on the axis.
For This Beautiful Pattern Use This Algo
D' R U' R' U' R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R D U' R' U' R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R2
Hold with Green Front, White Up, Yellow Down
For This Beautiful Pattern Use This Algo
D' R U' R' U' R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R D U' R' U' R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R2
Hold with Green Front, White Up, Yellow Down
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