31 March 2009

Mastermorphix Sawtooth

The Mastermorphix changes its overall shape when the parts get moved around. This pattern combines shape and color to depict a sawtooth-shaped band that wraps around three sides as shown above.

The bottom side is shown at right. It doesn't look as elaborate as the rest of the puzzle, but it's still rather attractive.


Geertos said...

Can you send me a mail so i can send you my own patterns that you can post? Why can't i post on this blog myself?


nda said...

How to make my mastermorphix like this one ?

Anonymous said...

Algorithm plz!

Anonymous said...

Duuuuuuuuuude! You...Must...Tell...Us..How...To...Do...This...Even...If...I...Die...


Anonymous said...

can u please tell the algorithm